You can follow and study the national and International hospitality training in this section.
How do you measure performance of Front Office Department?⠀ There used to be a pretty simple answer to this question:⠀ GSS and Check in scores.⠀ However, with development of technology in recent years there is so much more involved!⠀ Just to name a few, mobile check in that allows you to remotely check in to your room or even a chat, that allows you to connect with hotel representative via phone. ⠀ ⠀ Few Key Performance Indicators of Front Office are:⠀ Check in scores Speed and efficiency of mobile chat Additional revenue collection such as no shows and cancellations Enrollments to loyalty membership programs Up sells of guestrooms and collection of revenue Sell out efficiency and creation of additional revenue source Timeliness of mobile check ins These are just a few and I can continue the list I would like to know what are some metrics that your team or you are measured on?⠀
Create: Dec 24, 2019 Edit: Dec 24, 2019The third part deals with the characteristics of a receptionist Another important task of the receptionist is to inform the guests. He must have access to all the city information sources and, to a large extent, he must know them himself. He must be able to provide any kind of information the guest wants. The hotel employees work in shifts. In big hotels there are usually three 8-hour shifts. In small ones there are only two shifts.
Create: Oct 1, 2018 Edit: Oct 1, 2018The second part deals with the characteristics of a receptionist The receptionist should Always have polite and intimate behavior, be calm and patient (even in critical situations). Pay attention to all the details. Have a good public relations and be familiar with the psychology of individuals, dialects and different cultures. Use the principles of sales and customer attraction to the extent necessary. With a complete understanding of the duties of other staff in hotel, he needs to take the necessary action in addressing the wishes, suggestions and possible complaints of guests. Learn how to check the validity of a variety of identification cards, including national cards, birth certificates, passports and so on of the guests. Knows a variety of booking methods and perform the different phases of reservation when needed.
Create: Oct 1, 2018 Edit: Oct 1, 2018